ancillary views

keyboard view

This view is a visual guide to help match the sound's pitch to standard keys, or, in the infra-bass section of the score, match the pitch to a tempo indicator, measured in bpm (beat per minutes). In a future version, pressing on a key will let you hear a sample at their corresponding pitch or beat.

At the very bottom of this view, a position indicator tracks the view pan and zoom level to indicate the position within the score of the left (beginning) part of the viewed score. This position is indicated in the format:

group number:bar number:beat number.

The number of bars per group, beats per bar and tempo of the piece can be set by editing the current time scale.

You can show or hide the keyboard view with the Tools > Keyboard action.

Overview window

The Tools > Overview action replaces the main view with a read-only "Overview" window, that lets you see the full piece spread over a number of lines:

This view is useful to get a better understanding and overview of lengthy pieces. Instead of the range slider at the bottom, a simple slider lets you select in how many lines you want your piece to be evenly split.

In a future version, this view will be fully editable too.

other views

Those include: the tag manager, the piece inspector, the view inspector, and the messages window.