the view menu


Overview: resets the view so that the full piece becomes visible.

hint: this perform the same operation as clicking in the lower right corner of the view, below the range sliders.

Zoom on Selection: centers the view so as to enclose all the selected sounds.

sound visibility

Hiding part of your composition temporarily is useful to let you work on the details of a voice or part of your piece. In addition, hidden sounds are not heard when the piece is played, letting you export your piece track by track instead of a whole object. The following functions, used in conjunction with the selection actions (see the Edit menu) and the tags help you filtering the parts you want to focus on:

Show All: show all the sounds. All the sounds in the view that have been previously hidden are now shown.

Hide not Selected: Hides all the sounds that are not currently selected.

Hide Selection: hides all selected sounds.

Move to Front: Moves all selected sounds before the unselected sounds. This lets you view and edit those selected items more easily, without hiding the rest. This action has no effect on the audio rendering of the piece itself.

Send to Back: Moves all selected sounds after the unselected sounds. This lets you view and edit the other items more easily, without hiding the selection. This action has no effect on the audio rendering of the piece itself.


Time Scale > : controls the display of a vertical (time) scale, measured in groups of bars, bars and beats, and the snapping of the sounds to precise time intervals. A choice of time scales is provided. Selecting Time Scale > Others... lets you access a dialog that lets you edit the existing scales or add your own scales.

Pitch Scale > : controls the display of a horizontal (pitch) scale, measured as notes or Hz, and the snapping of sounds to precise intervals. A choice of pitch scales is provided. Selecting Pitch Scale > Others... lets you access a dialog that lets you edit the existing scales or add your own.

See the scales page for more information.

sound display

Show Tooltips: shows a tooltip next to the cursor indicating the exact value in Hertz and seconds of the point under the cursor. Use this action for precise adjustment of sounds.

Show Tags: shows all the tags associated to each sound next to the beginning of the sound.

Show Levels: shows the level of each sound at the right of each sound. The level is usually visible through the relative transparency of each sound representation. This method gives you more precise information on each individual sound.

Show Envelopes: toggles between the regular view, were envelopes shape the width of each sound, to a simpler view, where the sounds are represented as simple lines.

Show Modulation Links: displays links between the modulator and modulated sounds.

Show Modulation Amplitude: displays at the beginning of each modulation the amplitude (index) of this modulation.

Show Pitch with Color: instead of being colored according to their waveform, sounds are colored in a rainbow fashion. Each hue corresponds to a pitch within its current octave. This view mode enables easy identification of the pitches of a piece, identifying consonnances, dissonances, as well as the overall tonality of a given portion of music.

Show Lead Sound Attributes: displays the waveform and the envelope of the currently highlight sound (the last selected sound).

Set Background...: lets you choose an image file (png, gif or tiff) to display in the background of the piece. The image width is mapped to the piece duration, while the image's bottom is mapped to a frequency of 20Hz. The image height is mapped to span one octave per 100 pixels: an image whose height is 700 pixels will span 7 octaves, or be spread from the 20Hz mark to 2560Hz. The image file is read back when you reopen the piece, but it is expected that the piece file and the image be stored in the same folder.